
Request for Special Donations to Help Us Achieve Our Goal.


Tithing is the faithful giving of 10% of your regular income or wages to God. The act of tithing is a form of worship that we perform to show God our thanks, faith, love, and respect for his order. Bring all the tithes into the storehouse so that there will be food in My house, and test Me now in this, says the Lord of hosts, according to Malachi 3:10–11. You put God first when you give the first 10% of your money. He assures you that He will bless you and chasten the devourer on your behalf by opening the windows of heaven for you. With devoted stewardship, moral business conduct, and total responsibility, we honour your generosity.



We appreciate your donations, which have allowed our churches to continue their work in the EL-Mercy Parish. Your dedication to the vision of our parish is what has allowed us to succeed in growing our membership. Many of your regular contributions are made in cooperation with God to maintain the Parishes’ operations and financial stability.

I really appreciate your help in advance on behalf of the Celestial Church of Christ EL-Mercy Family. Your donation will go a long way towards helping us spread the gospel, make disciples of all peoples, and purchase vehicles for our church. Please be as detailed as you can.